I love steamed green vegetables. With lots of ICBNB butter spray. Lately this sustenance has become a 'snack' for me - as I am trying to be more health conscious. The upside of snacking on vegetables has been that none of my offspring wishes to share with me. I don't know about other Mom's but I become overly aggravated when I fix myself a plate/bowl/dish of something and my half hound-dog kids come sniffing about and ask for a bite. (It is my food, and I don't want to share!). Sadly, vegetables are no longer a 'safe' dish. Today, I fixed myself a big plate of steamed broccoli. I was excited to sit down and 'enjoy' it when the kids came running. Two of the three saw what I was about to eat and excitedly asked to have some because they love it so much. Now don't get me wrong - I am happy that my kids are excited about eating their vegetables, HOWEVER, now instead of hiding my M&M's from them I will have to hide my broccoli.
I bet I can guess which child did NOT want any of your treat. Its like when Heather would make edamame while we were all in the house. :) Was I right about that blog I found?
Hee hee
That is too funny that you are mad at your kids for eating your vegies. I love low fat vanilla yogurt and frozen blueberries. It's my little treat when the hubby goes for ice cream at night and now my hound dogs are begging at every bite. Go get some Ice cream but don't take my yogurt!
That is funny. My kids love steamed broccolli. Drew will pick up the "trees" in the store and beg for them in the cart. And mom's anything is always the best.
I'm so glad you posted that--it always makes my day when you post. And I feel the same way about sharing my snacks with the kids!
My second oldest loves broccoli too. I don't like having to share evety single time I sit down to eat either. At least they are getting some healthy stuff though right?
I don't have this problem yet... But I currently use broccoli as my filler--if I eat a heaping helping I feel completely full, something I need now and then.
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