Thursday, April 17, 2008

High Cholesterol?

Yesterday, the diagnosis of High Cholesterol blind-sighted me.  Your initial impression may be that at 34, I am too young to suffer from this medical malady.  You are right.  Which makes it all the more strange that I am not the one who has it.  It is my 4 year old son!  Before you think that my poor nutritional provisions are the cause, please know that no one else in the family has ever suffered from 'cholesterolic' problems.   And so, little Z has been put on doctor recommended breakfast plan of oatmeal and cherrios. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the new face of High Cholesterol......  


klt9976 said...

First his short hair. Wow. I can't believe it!

klt9976 said...

wait is that at the old house?

Melodrama Mama said...

Nope. Kitchen of new.

Becca said...

That is just bizarre and I'm note even sure what to say. I hope he enjoys the oatmeal and cheerios!

Anonymous said...
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GustoBones said...

Holy Cow! That is surprising, but better to know right?

Heather said...

Hey I eat oatmeal lots also. So he and I are similar!

shauna said...

Wow. That's so surprising. Hope that oatmeal and cherrios helps!