Saturday, April 12, 2008

March in Review

Yes, I realize that it is mid-April, but.............
The Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts took up A LOT of time - N was excited to finally get the awards that he had earned last fall.  He was not excited to eat the dinner as it went along with the theme 'chineese new year'.  He despises most dinner-time foods that are not: macaroni and cheese, buttered noodles, or some type of bread product. 

Decorating cakes for the Elementary School Cake Walk was a priority for N and A.  We had fun coming up with the designs, and the kids quite enjoyed sampling their medium.

Girl Scout cookies were the bane of my existence as I ignorantly signed up to be the Troop Cookie Manager.  (Don't scoff you westerners, in the East, Girl Scouts are all the rage.)  Had I know that I was signing up for a part time job with cookie sales, I may have been more reluctant to volunteer my services.  To sum up the experience in one word: UGH!   

Kid Quotes For the Month:

Z: Can you just teach me everthing about Jesus so I can stop going to church?
A:  I didn't think that I would see a butt in Jamestown!
N:  I never knew my parents were the meanest ones on the street.
A: Grandpa got a new car?  What is he going to do with his old one?  Maybe save it for his oldest grandchild for when she gets her drivers license?
Z: Oh look a cute dog!  And an ugly girl with it.
N: I need new tires.  (me: what?) You know, the shoes, the kind with ties?


Allie said...

Those cakes your kids decorated are AWESOME!!!

shauna said...

What great cakes!

Janice {Run Far} said...

Seriously thost cakes are so cute-

Question, um maybe i will just email you..

GustoBones said...

Love the march quotes!

Becca said...

Why am I not surprised that you had such awesome cakes! I miss you.